Your Community Is Our Community
Right now, in the year 2024, things have changed; they certainly are not as they were decades or even years ago. Increasingly, people are realizing that the way we conduct ourselves in our own community will have an impact on a global scale. People in the next town, the next county, the next state, and beyond will experience the effects of how we live and work, and we will be impacted by their actions as well.
However, we cannot overstate our belief that both individuals and businesses owe a certain loyalty to the people and locations close to home. After all, there is a name for those people living in locations close to home: neighbors. As such, we are committed to serving our neighbors, our clients, our service areas, and our own wide-spread communities with a major dose of concern, responsibility, and tender loving care.
We – the owners, management, and staff of Measday Land Surveying & Mapping – live right here in the Greater Rochester area. We have families, pets, and favorite pizza places just like our clients have. Over many years we have gone about our lives establishing relationships with individuals, schools, and businesses across the region. The way we conduct business matters because it impacts our neighborhoods and the people we have actually come to know.
It has been said that a rising tide lifts all boats, although rarely in reference to education. Our position is that an abundance of well-educated individuals invariably equates to a better-educated community. Whether it is in an academic setting such as Alfred State College where our founder Scott Measday is an adjunct professor, or out in the field looking for monuments where Scott is the leader of our professional family, we share information freely in the belief that the highest-functioning survey companies consist of the most knowledgeable and highly-trained individuals.
Measday Land Surveying & Mapping has implemented policies to protect and benefit our environment. We go out of our way to utilize the most modern and efficient technologies, reducing our footprint as much as we can. We choose to function electronically as much as possible as well. We have nothing against any delivery or courier service, but you can expect an email — perhaps with an attachment — whenever it is appropriate.
We actively support and participate in community volunteerism, and we applaud all those who endeavor to make their own little corner of the world a better place. We think it's a great thing — we very much appreciate it — whenever any individual or corporate entity goes above and beyond in all the right ways and for all the right reasons.
Likewise, Measday Land Surveying & Mapping is loyal to our neighbors throughout our 8-county service area, we are sensitive to the impact our company has upon our community, we believe in educating our clients and our employees in such a way that all stakeholders will benefit, we actively protect and preserve our environment, and we do everything we can to give back to the community.
Of course, all of this is in addition to respecting every detailed facet of our legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities that are a part of being licensed, professional land surveyors. We perform all our vital professional functions AND we engage in the many optional functions as listed. As a company and as people, we do all of this because we care!